Post-op Instructions for Implant Care
Every consideration must be given to keep the surgical site clean and free of food particles.
1. NO SMOKING! Smoking is to be avoided for the time period specified by Dr. Newhart. Smoking significantly lowers the body’s ability to heal the site.
2. Avoid alcohol, commercial mouth rinses and very hot fluids for 30 hours after your surgery.
3. Gentle rinsing of the mouth should be started the day of the surgery. Frequent gentle rinsing with lukewarm salt water will aid the healing process (add one-half teaspoon of salt to a 6oz. glass of water). Avoid the use of a water-pik toothbrush.
4. Please begin using the red ultra-soft suture brush 24 hours after your surgery to cleanse and stimulate the tissue. No toothpaste is necessary.
Patients should follow prescription antibiotics as directed by Dr. Newhart.

Please contact us with any questions or to schedule an appointment.