Have you noticed your gums are getting darker?
It’s not uncommon for people to notice their gums changing color over time, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it! From pregnancy to fillings, there are tons of things that can turn your gums black, brown, or grey.
Once you’ve made sure there’s no underlying condition causing your gum coloring, you might be wondering what do I do now? This is where gum whitening comes in.
Find out everything you need to know about whitening your gums in our guide!
Why Do Gums Turn Dark?
There are tons of reasons behind dark gums, and not all of them are a sign of something unhealthy. Some people simply have more melanoma in their skin which can lead to darker gums, or you may have hyperpigmentation which often runs in families. Medication, such as minocycline which is used to treat acne and some infections, has also been known to cause dark gums.
So, if your gums are darker than others or have changed, don’t panic! Although it is a good idea to see a medical professional to make sure you’re healthy.
There are some unhealthy reasons for darkening gums, too, including smoking (find out how to stop now and save your gums!) and a gum infection known as acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. It’s always smart to check it’s not something negative that’s turning your gums darker.
Can Your Gums Lighten?
Definitely! If you have dark gums or discoloration, you don’t just have to just deal with it. Gum whitening can work just as well as teeth whitening, helping turn your gums from brown or black to a nice, healthy pink.
How Can I Make My Gums Lighter?
There are two methods that you can use when lightening gums. The first is microdermabrasion and a whitening solution. The whitening solution works to lighten the dark color on your gums, while the microdermabrasion removes melanin-containing cells from your gums, buffing them away.
There’s also laser gum depigmentation, which is the newer and more popular method of gum lightening. The laser is used to remove a super thin layer on the top of your gum tissue, which destroys the cells that produce melanin. As your gum then heals, the new tissue that’s created is more likely to be pink than brown, leaving you with whiter gums!
Laser gum whitening usually requires a local anesthetic, and the recovery time is incredibly short. Any discomfort you experience after will be very manageable!
How Much Does Gum Whitening Cost?
The cost of laser gum depigmentation varies depending on a variety of factors. For example, some people only choose to have their upper or lower gums treated (both gums aren’t always affected by darkening in the same way, which can surprise people!). Of course, if you only have your upper gums treated it’s going to cost a lot less than if you have both.
Different treatment centers will also charge different prices. It’s best to do some research and find a place that’s within your budget but isn’t too cheap. A treatment center that’s a lot cheaper than the rest is usually a red flag.
The level of treatment needed will also be a factor. If you have heavy discoloration, you should expect to pay more.
How Long Does Gum Whitening Last?
Laser gum whitening can last for different lengths of time for different people. However, it’s usually a very long-lasting treatment!
Each patient is different, and your treatment needs are going to have to be assessed individually. This will change the length of time your treatment will be expected to last. Some people find that their gum whitening lasts around 20-25 years, while others can see their results stick around for a lifetime.
Of course, how you treat your gums after you’ve had your treatment will also affect the longevity of it. If you continue to smoke, for example, it’s very likely that your gums will get darker quicker than they would if you didn’t. If you become pregnant, this could also affect longevity.
But, in general, you probably won’t need more than one or two treatments in your life to keep your gums gorgeously pink!
Where Can I Get My Gums Lightened?
If you think gum whitening could improve your confidence and give you the beautiful, happy smile you’re after, it’s time to find a treatment center! If you’re in Parkersburg, WV, or Marietta, OH, take a look at Richard Newhart DDS, TheGumDoctor.
With a professional team all with the required accreditations, you can trust our gum specialists to take care of your gums. We’ve been carrying out gum whitening for years, along with a range of other gum treatments to perfect your smile. Our team is also super friendly and will be happy to help you with any questions and calm your nerves before a procedure.
Alongside professional gum whitening, we also carry out a range of treatments including:
- Dental implants
- Gingival grafting
- Treatment of gum disease
- Treatment of receding gums
We’ve been trusted for years with gums across West Virginia and Ohio, so you know you’ll be in good hands with us.
Schedule an Appointment For Gum Whitening
If you have dark gums that are getting you down, do something about it. No one should feel self-conscious of their smile, and gum whitening is such an easy and quick procedure that you’ll never look back!
Scheduling an appointment with Richard Newhart DDS is simple. Fill out our appointments form, or give us a call to let us know what you need and when you need it, and we’ll do the rest.